A not so well known poltergeist case from the South London area is our focus for this episode. How unknown is it? You might confuse it with another unknown case…
Episode 72: Radiant Boys
Who are the Radiant Boys? No, they aren’t some new punk rock group or boy band but rather a group or spirits. These spirits are part of a phenomenon with…
Episode 32: Shadow People
Shadow People. You’ve seen them from corner of your eye; they dart away quickly when you try to look at them. Sometimes they stand over you while you’re sleeping. Hundreds…
Episode 19: Haunt Faire (Part 3) The Gettysburg Ghost Gals
Haunt Faire part 3 of 3. The Gettysburg Ghost Gals, Brigid & Jenny, join us to talk about the Haunt Faire, The Haunted Bus Tour experience, crazy Karaoke & so…
Episode 12: Hoia Baciu Forest
There is a place in Romania where people hear voices, go missing, see apparition and even Astral Project. A place where the locals dare not go and warn you about…
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