Tag: documentary

Episode 108: The Red Onion Saloon

Way up north in Alaska, there’s a place where you can visit another time by stepping into an old-time Saloon. You can get a drink, enjoy the atmosphere, see some…

Episode 102: Free Haunted House

Would you be interested in a house if it was free? It’s all yours as long as you take it off the property. The whole thing is yours; floors, walls…

Episode 63: Possession & Exorcism

ed·DIE Podcast – Episode 63: Possession & Exorcism

With the release of the horror film “The Nun”, we took a deeper look at demonic possession & exorcism in the church. We find that the clergy aren’t just fighting…

Episode 13: Digging Up the Marrow

A man tells a horror movie writer/director that he can prove monsters are real. He can show him where they live. We take a look at Adam Green’s 2015 horror…