Tag: ed·DIE

Episode 91: Personal Paranormal Gen Riddering

We talk With Gen R. about her lifelong encounters with the paranormal. Some of the spirits she’s come across are familiar and some are complete strangers and strange. Some encounters…

Episode 75: Good Bye Cayleigh Elise

The young lady who came out strong with a YouTube channel talking about all types of paranormal mysteries has decided to walk away from it. We look into her, her…

Episode 74: Haunted Wisconsin: Summerwind

Summerwind: A large home with a dark past. Its driven people running from it caused a mental breakdown and more. There’s a book about it and even an episode of…

Episode 72: Radiant Boys

Who are the Radiant Boys? No, they aren’t some new punk rock group or boy band but rather a group or spirits. These spirits are part of a phenomenon with…

Episode 65: Halloween Traditions Around the World

We take a look at some of the odd Halloween traditions from around the world. Some are cool, some are weird and some are outright creepy. An update on our…