The Netflix Sci Fi/Horror/Drama “Stranger Things” is a mix of Stephen King, Stephen Spielberg & John Carpenter. Who wrote it? What influenced it” What’s it about? Is it based on…
Episode 14: Wendigo
The Wendigo is an insatiable creature or spirit that lurks in the woods of North America. It’s part of Native American Folklore & has made its way into our pup…
Episode 13: Digging Up the Marrow
A man tells a horror movie writer/director that he can prove monsters are real. He can show him where they live. We take a look at Adam Green’s 2015 horror…
Episode 10: The Holder Series (Creepypasta)
The Creepypasta known as The Holders Series. According to story there are a collection of items spread across the planet will bring you power, drive you insane or worse. We…
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