Tag: Patrick Wilson

Episode 95: 2020 Upcoming Horror

We look at what horrors are to come in the year 2020. Video games, books & movies. Listen and make your games to play, books to read and movies to…

Episode 84: Horror Films Based on True Stories

We discuss horror films that are based on or inspired by true stories. These movies aren’t always 100% accurate to the real cases. Some of them are just loosely based…

Episode 81: The Ghost of Aaron Burr

Most people wouldn’t know his name these days but Aaron Burr was once Vice President of the United States. Today the former Vice President haunts a few places. What’s interesting…

Episode 79: The Count and the Corpse

Key West, Florida in the 1930s was home to a man known as “The Count”, whose love for a woman went deep. So much so that even death didn’t keep…